National Arts Marketing Project - Day One — AMT Lab @ CMU

National Arts Marketing Project - Day One

If you haven't been, check out #nampc09 on Twitter. The day was chock-full, and I am happy to say that I feel I attended some of the best sessions. I had a chance to chat with Gene Carr and Jerry Yoshitomi on-the-record (which I will have up as a forthcoming podcast), as well as Rich Minz (the latter more informally), about many things tech/arts related. I am still processing and digesting, so for the moment I will leave you with some images of my long, but good, day in Providence at the NAMP Conference.

NAMP Conference - Keynote

NAMP Conference Day One

RISD Art Museum - NAMP Opening Reception

Pittsburgh contingent (L-R Haebin of CAMT, MAMs Justin and Corwin, and the Cultural Trust's Lauren) experience Water FirePortion of Pittsburgh contingent represents in front of WaterFire - Haeben (CAMT), Justin (CMU's MAM Program), Corwin (CAMT and MAM), Lauren (Pgh Cultural Trust)