Mobile Advocacy Resource — AMT Lab @ CMU

Mobile Advocacy Resource

I've been subscribed to the blog at for a while now, and a recent post that highlights the top 10 do's and don'ts for mobile advocacy made me realize that it was time to give a shout out to this great site on our blog. aggregates mobile technology tools and resources for the international NGO community, and the information they offer is applicable and valuable for any non-profit arts organization considering using mobile technology as part of its marketing, development, or advocacy strategies.  You’ll find:

  • A blog with case studies and news related to the use of mobile technology.
  • A directory of projects that have utilized mobile technology.
  • A directory of mobile tools and vendors (such as consultants, SMS and MMS providers, polling tools, software and mobile content developers, and more).
  • Brief strategy guides that offer overviews of using mobile technology for fundraising and advocacy (you’ll need to register on the site to access these PDF’s).

So check it out and let us know what you think.  Also, if you know of any other useful resources, books, or sites out there that delve into the world of mobile technology, please post those in the comments.
