Here are the most popular 'What's on your phone' articles from the past academic year. In addition to that, we're sharing our favorite tech of the future article. This article about smart cities is from our in-coming chief research editor, Jenee Iyer.
What's on Your Phone, Nick Pozek
When we conducted this interview in 2016, Nick was the Manager of Museum Digital Strategy at Asia Society. He has since moved on to the League of American Orchestras as the Manager of Learning and Leadership Programs.
What's on Your Phone, Sharon Vatsky
Sharon is the Director of Education at the Guggenheim Museum, which requires her to travel a lot. See which apps she considers to be the most useful.
What's on Your Phone, Chris Powell
Chris is the Director of Artistic Initiatives and Development Officer at the Glimmerglass Festival in Cooperstown, New York. See which apps he can't live without!
What's on Your Phone, Janet McCall
Executive Director of the Society for Contemporary Craft, Janet McCall, goes through her favorite apps. She uses her phone to keep up with current trends but also as an oasis away from the hectic day to day of being an ED.
Finally, here is a staff favorite from contributor and future editor Jenee Iyer. Here she introduces the reader to the reality behind Smart Cities and how that connects to the art world.