AMT Lab News Roundup: Best of January — AMT Lab @ CMU

AMT Lab News Roundup: Best of January

AMT Lab highlights a selection of articles from all over the web in this week’s edition of the News Roundup:


Cleveland Conquers: The 8 Best Classical Music Moments of the Week on YouTube


As major orchestras shift to digital content platforms, casual consumers are stumbling upon incredible works on popular platforms such as media. This week, The Cleveland orchestra, along with many other, released some spectacular performances on YouTube for your enjoyment. Be sure to check them out!




How a New Technology is Changing the Lives of People Who Cannot Speak


Millions of people in the world are unable to speak due to injury or illness. Their ability to communicate has until now been traditional sign language, written word, and few others. A Boston-based company, VocaliD, is now creating bespoke digital voices for those without one. The company uses existing audio recordings of the client and then builds a digital persona to be implemented on a device.



An Art Critic Weighs in: Here’s Why You’re Enchanted by that Google Art-Selfie App


The team here at Amt lab, like many of our readers, has been delightfully entertained by the Art Selfie by Google. If you haven’t opened the Arts & Culture app to discover your historical look-alike, you are missing out.


That’s it for this week’s news roundup! Stay tuned for plenty of Arts Management and Technology Content.