Happy Holidays and New Year from AMT Lab! — AMT Lab @ CMU

Happy Holidays and New Year from AMT Lab!

As we at AMT Lab prepare to power down our laptops and smartphones to take a break for the holidays, we wanted to close out a successful year by looking at our five most popular posts from 2016:

1. Museum Data And What To Do With It: Carnegie Museums Of Pittsburgh: 2016 MAM graduate Kate Lin investigates how museums around the Pittsburgh area are leveraging their data and utilizing analytics to understand and enhance aspects of their business.

2. Virtual Reality And Audience Engagement In Museums: In this piece, Yasmin Foqahaa looks at how museums around the country are using Virtual Reality technology to bolster their audience engagement practices. 

3. Five Reasons Why You Should Consider Using A Mobile Bidding App For Your Next Fundraiser Auction: Kate Lin gives readers no excuse to not use a mobile bidding app for upcoming fundraisers.

4. Open Data And The Arts: What's Next?: AMT Lab contributor Sarah Weber looks at how arts organizations around the world are facing a variety of challenges when it comes to using open source data.

5. The Role Of Technology In Museums: Christine Nolan discusses the pros and cons to using technology in museums, and offers solutions on how museums can best strike a balance.

We wish you all a safe and happy holiday season and look forward to a wonderful 2017 with our readership!