Upcoming Webinar - Finding Your Online Voice — AMT Lab @ CMU

Upcoming Webinar - Finding Your Online Voice

devine_pic_registernowApril 29, 2010Finding Your Online Voice 2:00pm-3:30pm Eastern Presenter: Maryann Devine Registration: $25

When we’re talking about social media, it's easy to get caught up in the technical nuts and bolts. In this webinar, you'll hear about the softer side of connecting with your audience online.

Think about how you use social media in your personal life. What would your best friends think if you posted updates on Facebook like “What’s your favorite thing about my New Year’s Eve party? Post in the comments!!! Invites still available!”

That’s how many arts organizations use social media – as desperate micro-advertising. And that's why people ignore it.

In this 90 minute webinar, you will learn:

  • How your unique voice helps your audience listen up
  • The keys to extending that voice online
  • How to avoid common pitfalls
  • How other arts organizations get it right

Maryann Devine is a teacher, blogger, and consultant who helps arts people connect with their biggest fans. She was director of marketing and public relations at The Academy of Vocal Arts before starting her own company, smArts & Culture. There she has worked with arts organizations large and small, as well as individual artists, and created classes and e-courses especially for people in the arts with little time to spare but a passion to learn. She has taught audience development and technology courses for Drexel University's graduate program in arts administration.
