#TBT: Gaga for Google — AMT Lab @ CMU

#TBT: Gaga for Google

Today the news is buzzing with Google as they launch their Sidewalk Labs initiative in an effort to improve urban life.  But here at AMT Lab, we have spent years dedicating posts to the many ways that Google products and services can improve arts management practices.  This installment of Throwback Thursday will share several of them, drawing on posts that span as far back as 2008.

“Crowd-Funding Through Google”, by Daniel Fonner 
In this research update from 2014, Daniel shed some light on One Today, the crowdfunding platform that Google started in 2013.  While lesser known than IndieGoGo and Kickstarter, some arts organizations are starting to give it a try.

“Google Cardboard: Virtual Reality for the Rest of Us”, by Daniel Fonner
In this product review from 2014, Daniel reviews the hardware and software of Google’s affordable and increasingly popular new product, Google Cardboard.

“A Case for Using Google Analytics’ Dashboard” and “Using Google Analytics to Derive Insights From Data”, by Kristen Sorek West
Kristen’s 2014 research updates give readers insight into integrating Google Analytics into a user’s marketing department in ways that allow the wealth of data to be truly actionable for an organization’s needs.

“Google Resources for Arts Nonprofits” by Crystal Wallis
Crystal’s 2011 user-friendly guide to navigating Google’s offerings still holds many useful applications today.  Be warned though, time and a server transfer have been hard on the external links (as in, most don’t work or don’t lead to where they used to), so we would suggest Googling the resources that catch your eye!

“Viewpoint of Billions” by Rachael Wilkinson
Not only does this article introduce our new/old favorite term (“glasshole”), but it shares a true intersection of arts and technology, in this case discussing David Datuna’s artwork “Viewpoint of Billions”.

“Through the Looking Glass: How Google Glass Will Change the Performing Arts” by Thomas Rhodes & Samuel Allen
This whitepaper was created as a primer for performing arts organizations to make informed decisions about augmented reality.  A year and a half later, this paper still provides valuable information for those considering the future of integrating augmented reality into their performances.

“If Van Gogh Had Google Glass…” by Vivi
This article was written in early 2013, before Google Glass had yet been released.  Check out the tweets Vivi featured, and enjoy some real time travel by clicking on the hashtag #ifihadglass to see what pops up on Twitter over two years later!

“The Google Cultural Institute” by Naina Singh
Naina’s article highlights some of the more behind-the-scenes work that Google Cultural Institute has done in preservation and creating access to culture for online audiences.  Although this article was written in 2011, all of the examples are still beautiful pieces of cultural heritage that are fun to explore.

“How Google Art Project Benefits the Public” by Vivi
If the case for digital collections has not yet been made, Vivi’s 2012 article is certainly as good an argument as any.  Her step-by-step breakdown of a user experience in Google Art Project’s collection is a great sampler for any arts educator or advocate to consider adopting.

“Everybody’s Talking About Google Art Project” by Jeb Feldman
Going back into 2011, Jeb covered Google Art Project just a few days after the platform was released.  It’s a fun way to see the not-so-humble beginnings of this now mammoth collection of cultural preservation.

Some Fun Throwbacks

“Google+” by Crystal Wallis
Remember back when everyone thought that Google+ was primed to overthrow all other social media?  This may not have been one of Google’s greatest success stories, but nevertheless AMT Lab was on it.  However, Crystal tempered enthusiasm and awareness with advice on not putting eggs in one basket--as we know now, the best course of action.

“Google’s New Browser” by Brad Stephenson
Brad also did his best to remain skeptical, but as he guessed in 2008, Google Chrome did indeed become a winner.  And seven years later, we are all still drinking the Google Kool-Aid.

“What Google Wave Means for Arts Organizations” by Amelia Northrup
In 2009, Amelia also brought up drinking the Google Kool-Aid--but in the case of Google Wave, she stated that she had not yet, citing the lack of other adopters.  Sure enough, a year later Google announced they were no longer developing and would be shutting it down.  In spite of its now-defunct status, it is fun to imagine an alternate universe where we develop publics waves for each of our arts offerings.