April News: Entertainment Industry Divided on AI Tools

April News: Entertainment Industry Divided on AI Tools

This month, music and film are at the forefront as each battles with the future uses for burgeoning tech. While AI-generated film visuals seem to be coming up short, progress toward realistic AI-generated music is starting to send shockwaves. On the consumer side, music streaming tools are being released to allow more listening experience customization. Across the industry, artists are celebrating ways that some these new tools can enhance their work, while speaking out against potential impacts on jobs, compensation, and creative freedom.

Museum Computer Network 2023 Conference Takeaways

Museum Computer Network 2023 Conference Takeaways

Staff Researcher, Venetia Liao, attended the 2023 Museum Computer Network Conference (MCN), and wrote about her four key takeaways: (1) Audience Engagement & Visitor Experience In Apps, Websites, Research, and Design, (2) AI, VR/XR/AR Usage & Concerns, (3) Data & Database Management For Collections Management & Marketing Strategy, and (4) Cybersecurity.

AI and Virtual Production: The Past Meets the Future

AI and Virtual Production:  The Past Meets the Future

Technology has played a critical role in the film industry since its inception. Advances in the film industry are always closely related to technological advances in society, integrating them quickly into the filmmaking process. Almost every aspect of filmmaking, from pre-production to post-production, from digital cameras, editing software, sound and music, distribution, exhibition, and of course, special effects, has undergone major changes and has evolved over the last 190 years. 

Contemporary, traditional film production involves building physical sets, scouting locations, and coordinating large crews and equipment, all of which can be time-consuming and expensive. To overcome some of these "problems" or “needs” was born what we know today as Virtual Production. Virtual production has and will be further enhanced by the opportunities afforded by artificial intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence Can Change the Game for Artists and Organizations

Artificial Intelligence Can Change the Game for Artists and Organizations

The successful future of the arts and arts organizations will include artificial intelligence (AI). Artificial intelligence operates in many spheres, from generative AI, including OpenAI’s ChatGPT, DALLe or VALLe, or OtterAI’s transcription tools to robots cleaning offices to machine learning algorithms. While the opportunities seem both endless and perhaps intimidating, strategic application of these tools can make a significant difference.

AI And Theatre: Playwriting, Stage Design, and Ticketing

AI And Theatre: Playwriting, Stage Design, and Ticketing

Artificial Intelligence is being experimented with in the world of theater, from playwriting in traditional theatre, musicals, and improv. It is also being used for scene design and as a creative collaborator and director. Can AI successfully produce on these fronts? What does this mean for the future of the industry?

In the News: April 2023

In the News: April 2023

Technologies like artificial intelligence and NFTs continue to break into new industries this April. The United States government licensed ChatGPT, dancers paired with robots, and music industry leaders have been taking a stand on AI-made music. We are in the midst of figuring out where these technologies fit into our lives, and how they will change our industries. Feelings of uneasiness continue. The following stories illustrate a variety of viewpoints on the ways in which technology has been integrated into new and unique settings as of late.

Massive Software’s Influence on Popular Fantasy Film

Massive Software’s Influence on Popular Fantasy Film

Massive Software creates hordes of fantasy armies using Artificial Intelligence and in doing so it has changed the fantasy entertainment game. Their realism is largely due to fuzzy logic, a “way to create naturalistic and subtle behavior” that human viewers will interpret as realistic and powerful. This combined with emergent technology offers a wide array of opportunity for creators.

In the News: March 2023

In the News: March 2023

From rising STEAM programs to the emphasis on AI in popular culture, the interplay of art and technology allows for new visions to be imagined, new heights to be reached, and new stories to be told. This month, we’re highlighting some of the ways in which technology and art interweave to redefine the very definition of creativity.

In the News: January 2023

In the News: January 2023

AI. Lawsuits. Copyright. Matthew Butterick. These are all terms we’ve been inundated with in the past month. To avoid being redundant, we won’t be diving into much detail on these stories. Instead, we’ll be presenting some stories you may have missed.