Survey — AMT Lab @ CMU

Please take our National Survey of Digital Fundraising Tools

The data in the nonprofit sector says digital fundraising tools raised $3.1 billion in 2017 and digital fundraising is steadily increasing each year at a rate of over 7% (2017 Charitable Giving Report)

AMT-Lab has commissioned a graduate student research team at Carnegie Mellon University’s Master of Arts Management program to conduct an online survey on Arts Organization participation in Emerging Digital Fundraising pathways.

The survey will assess where arts organizations use and satisfaction of emerging digital fundraising technologies and identify opportunities within the tools and the CRM systems that capture donor data. 


The overarching study will examine how do arts nonprofit organizations compare to non-arts nonprofit organizations in emerging digital fundraising practice, purpose, results, and resources using Short Message Service (SMS), Facebook, Peer-to-Peer, and Mobile Bidding in the United States.

The objectives of the survey are to

·      Understand how arts organizations are using emerging digital fundraising tools

·      Learn how arts organizations use internal data from their Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems on these emerging digital fundraising tools

·      Understand the goal attached to the choice to using specific digital fundraising tools

·      Understand what resources (human, financial, technological) do arts nonprofits use in implementing specific digital fundraising tools


The research will be collected through the results of this online survey and compared with case studies and trends across the nonprofit sector.

This survey takes approximately between 2 minutes to as much as 15 minutes to complete, depending on your practices. It consists of mostly multiple choice check box-style answers. The results will be documented and publicly published on Carnegie Mellon University's Arts Management & Technology Laboratory's website.

The last question of the survey asks for the participant’s email address if you are interested in receiving a copy of the study’s anonymized and summarized results.

Participant Requirements

Participants must be at least 18 years and over and an arts nonprofit fundraising professional in the United States.

Risks & Confidentiality

The risks and discomfort associated with participation in this study are no greater than those ordinarily encountered in daily life or during other online activities. Identifiable personal information will not be included in any written nor published materials, but there is always the potential for breach of confidentiality.

The researcher will take the following steps in ensure confidentiality:

1) All identifiable personal information will be removed from all written and published materials of the study.

2) Identifying information about the arts organization will be limited to size of the organization (staff and budget), the artistic discipline of the organization, and the geographic location of the organization.  No individual organizations will be detailed in the study. The study will only analyze and present summarized and aggregate information.

3) All collected raw data will be stored in a secure location accessed only by the primary researcher, faculty advisor, and co-researchers. A summarized final report will be accessed by the Arts Management and Technology Lab, and published on this website ( Anonymized survey data may be shared in the future with other researchers for their own research purposes.

By participating in this research, you understand and agree that Carnegie Mellon may be required to disclose your consent form, data and other personally identifiable information as required by law, regulation, subpoena or court order. Otherwise, your confidentiality will be maintained in the following manner:

Your data and consent form will be kept separate. Your consent form will be stored in a secure location on Carnegie Mellon property and will not be disclosed to third parties. By participating, you understand and agree that the data and information gathered during this study may be used by Carnegie Mellon and published and/or disclosed by Carnegie Mellon to others outside of Carnegie Mellon. However, your email address will not be mentioned in any such publication or dissemination of the research data and/or results by Carnegie Mellon. Please be aware that per regulation all research data must be kept by Carnegie Mellon for a minimum of 3 years.

Benefits and Compensation

There are no direct benefits nor compensation for participating in the study, but the information that you provide will contribute value to the arts nonprofit field.

There will be no cost to you if you participate in this study. 


Participation in the survey is voluntary. There is no penalty or loss of rights for not participating, completing, or withdrawing consent. Participants may discontinue participation at any time and all questions are optional.


Should you contact the primary researcher about this study, you should feel free to ask them by contacting the primary researcher, Lesly Ceballos at

If you have questions pertaining to your rights as a research participant; or to report concerns to this study, you should contact the Office of Research integrity and Compliance at Carnegie Mellon University at or 412-268-1901 or 412-268-5460.

To complete the survey click or copy the following link into your browser: