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ArtBinder Viewer: Galleries, Artists and Collectors in the Digital Age

Avant-garde art, pioneering artists, eye-opening exhibitions: you might think you can only see such things at a museum or a gallery, but you can now have the same experience at home, with ArtBinder Viewer. ArtBinder Viewer is a digital platform where you can browse artwork from some of the most reputable art galleries and artists around the globe.

ArtBinder, launched in September 2011, is a virtual gallery that enables art galleries to showcase works and keep track of inventory online. Since its creation, ArtBinder has partnered with hundreds of galleries across more than 60 countries, including the Marianne Boesky Gallery, the David Zwirner Gallery and the Pace Gallery. In 2014, ArtBinder unveiled a new product, ArtBinder Viewer. It is a publicly accessible platform where users can browse the content on ArtBinder for free. In other words, while ArtBinder allows galleries to manage and present artwork, ArtBinder Viewer allows the general public to view these works.

Unlike ArtBinder, you don’t need to sign up an account or subscribe a paid plan to access ArtBinder Viewer. Anyone from any part of the world can browse the works on the website.



ArtBinder Viewer features diverse works from artists, galleries and exhibitions around the world. There are almost a hundred galleries on ArtBinder Viewer, and hundreds of artists with different styles showcase their works on the website. The exhibitions range from 1995 to the present.

Let’s take a deeper look at the website’s content. By clicking “Artists” on the navigation bar, you get to browse the list of all the artists on ArtBinder Viewer. Each artist has a representative work shown on the list page. This gives readers a quick peek at their work and style. Each gallery, artist and exhibition has a page where you can find more details about it. For example, on A.I. Gallery’s page, you can find all the artists who contract with the gallery and their respective works. It also shows the exact location of the gallery in London—if you are really interested in this gallery, you might want to visit their physical display room. For an art lover, ArtBinder Viewer is a place where you can feast your eyes and keep up various trends in the art world.


Search Function

One of the highlights of ArtBinder Viewer’s search functions is the innovative “ColorSearch” tool. With this tool, users can select a specific color or combination of colors from among 200 hues to search for artwork. This tool is designed to help users gain insights into how colors are being used in different pieces. Even though the developer might not want to admit it, this can also be a useful tool for people who are looking for artwork that goes with their room decoration.

While you can easily search across fields, the sorting mechanism used to display your results leaves something to be desired. Although it does allow the user to sort artists and galleries by their name, this is not particularly useful since you can just type the name in searching box if you already know the artist. When it comes to other important searching needs, ArtBinder Viewer’s sorting function makes it inconvenient for users to find what they want. For example, there are more than five hundred artists listed on the “Artists” page. If you are looking for a particular style or artists from a certain region, you might be disappointed because ArtBinder Viewer doesn’t offer these sorting options. With so many artists on the page, it is unrealistic for users to go through it from top to bottom. Similar problems can be found in the “Galleries” and “Exhibition” sections. Not only does this limited sorting function across the platform affect user experience, but it also reduces the chance for artists to sell their works to potential buyers.



After browsing the various content on the website, you might find several pieces or artists that you really appreciate. ArtBinder Viewer allows you to connect with such artists. If you are interested in a gallery or artist, you can follow it on the site, or you can directly contact them by clicking the green “Contact Gallery” bar and sending an email. You can also share your favorite works to your friends by email or on social media. These connective functions help to facilitate more interactions between audiences and content providers.



While ArtBinder Viewer allows anyone to access the website, creating a free account enables users to access other features. The following are special features ArtBinder Viewer offers to registered users:

- Feed. When you follow galleries, you can access their latest news in the Feed that updates in real-time.

- Favorite. If you like a particular work or exhibition, you can “Favorite” it and create a personalized virtual collection.

- Packets. Packets are presentations from galleries with information on their works, artists and exhibitions. You can use the “Contact” button on a gallery’s page to request their Packet.

ArtBinder Viewer is a tool that meets the demands of the Digital Age. As ArtBinder Viewer says on its website, “We want people to use Viewer as a cultural passport into the exciting and constantly changing art world.” Technology enables art to break through the limits of geographic distance, cultural differences and social status, and to reach ever-growing audience across the globe.