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Engaging and Connecting Through Customized Technology: A Podcast with Savvior

This week in our Podcast Series, we listen back on Stewart Urist’s conversation with Keith Giuliani and Christopher Evans of Savvior, a Pittsburgh-based company that specializes in technology-based designing, building, and consulting. Savvior has completed projects for many organizations, including a custom application for the Carnegie Science Center and a 15-year collaboration with Pittsburgh Parks.

In this fascinating podcast, the Savvior leaders remind us that no two organizations have the same technological needs, and customized experiences are necessary in order to be successful in reaching modern audiences. While not every arts organization may have resources to hire a company such as Savvior, Keith and Christopher remind us of key points to remember when considering building an app, website, or any other piece of software for an organization. Listen below or via iTunes, Google Play, or Stitcher


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Interview with Savvior's Keith Giuliani and Christopher Evans Stewart Urist

Photo licensed by Creative Commons