Technology in the Arts #24
Podcast - Technology in the Arts #24
In our most recent episode, Brad interviews David Dombrosky, contemporary art and new initiatives director for the Southern Arts Federation. Read David's full bio here.
And our ongoing - possibly never ending - challenge still stands: We're still waiting on someone to send Brad a MySpace page that looks good. The first person to achieve this seemingly impossible task will win a free lunch.
Respond to the above by emailing
Use the following handy-dandy links to follow along with the episode:
Second Life - Not happy with the real world? Become anyone in this virtual world.
Molotov Alva - Documentary about a man who disappears from the real world and is rediscovered in Second Life.
Technology in the Arts - Check the official site for information on the conference's 2007 programming.
Reminder - If you have any questions or interesting discussion items, please send them to